I had so much fun helping Steph decorate Azariah's room!
She had some great ideas and we got to work a couple weeks before he was due to arrive. Today I will show you what we did on the wall where the crib stands. In the next day or two you will get to see two more projects that Steph did herself.
So many pictures! Here we go!
We started out by changing the room color from bleh....
...to a soothing gray. Trim and interior doors were freshened up with glossy white.
Next up, the wall decal. While Steph prepared the decal by applying pressure to ensure easy removal...
...I measured, centered, and made sure it would be level.
The blue tape line is the height of the crib.
The tape not only shows where we wanted the decal, it acted as hinges...
...allowing me, with Adam's help, to peel off the backing. This was a tricky process.
Some of the black lettering wanted to stick to the backing, so I had to replace the backing
for the stubborn letter and rub it again in order to make it stick to the front piece.
After the backing was peeled off, we guided the decal gently into place on the wall
and rubbed out the air bubbles.
After removing the tape hinges, it was time to peel away the front portion,
leaving the letters behind on the wall. This also involved some backing up
and rubbing letters that wanted to stay on the paper rather than the wall.
With the decal in place, it was time to add the cloud.
For this I used craft paint to mix a dark gray and a sponge.
Steph chose an assortment of paper to use for the raindrops.
While I cut the raindrops in varying sizes...
...Steph arranged them on the wall temporarily using a circle of tape on the back of each drop.
After much arranging (and rearranging), she settled on this.
To attach the drops to the wall, Adam and Steph used spray adhesive.
Removing only a couple at a time, they sprayed the backs and reapplied them to the wall.
This is what baby Azariah sees when he lays in his bed.
Time to assemble the crib, which had already received a fresh coat of paint.
Big brother helped, too.
Ta da! All ready for Azariah.
Don't you just love how the rain drop blessings fall right into the bed?
This beautiful crib was built by Azariah's dad, Adam.
All it needs is a baby...
...oh, there he is!
I am sure he is lifting his hands in thanksgiving to God for his cool space!
There is more to Azariah's room reveal that I am excited to share with you.
If you haven't read Azariah's incredible story,
you can find it here.
Thanks for stopping by today!