Saturday, September 29, 2012

31 Days of Order

Thank you for looking in on me during 
31 Days 2012.

Click the links to read entries for various days! 

Day 5 - That Darned Litter Box
Day 6 - Order in the Cabinets
Day 7 - Watching My Step
Day 8 - Finding the Marvelous in the Mundane
Day 9 - Procrastination is a Four-Letter Word
Day 10 - Wake Up, Sleepyhead
Day 11 - In Order - One Right After Another
Day 12 - Why Am I Running?
Day 13 - Just for the Fun of It
Day 14 - Wise Words for Today
Day 15 - When Things Get Out of Order
Day 16 - Made for Order
Day 17 - Kitchen Corner Update
Day 18 - Friends Keep Me in Line
Day 19 - Think I'll Just Sit A Spell
Day 20 - Planning and Trusting
Day 21 - Doing the Hard Thing
Day 22 - Kitchen Corner Reveal
Day 23 - Just Say "No!"
Day 24 - Old Cat, New Trick?
Day 25 - Do the Next Thing
Day 26 - Painted Nightstand
Day 27 - Finishing
Day 28 - One Formula Doesn't Fit All
Day 29 - Did You See the Moon?
Day 30 - 
Day 31 - Get Out of Your Pit!

Starting Monday, October 1, 
I will join hundreds of bloggers 
who are writing every day. 

The amazing hostess of this event is
I hope you will check out her blog if you aren't already familiar with her.

Everyone has chosen a topic.
Mine? Order.
You know, order as opposed to, say,

Understand this - I don't claim to be an expert, but I have a craving. 

Do you ever get to a point where you just can't do anything else until you straighten up your surroundings? Yeah, that's me right about now. I need order in the house, in the yard, in my calendar, my diet, my routine. I have projects I'd like to start and/or finish, but I can't do it until I have some order! Can I get an amen? (My hubby will probably comment on the blog for the first time ever over this topic. Love you, Honey!)

During the next 31 days at A House and Yard I will begin my quest for order and (hopefully) you will read along and (ideally) be inspired to take action with me. See you Monday!


p.s. I'm kind of nervous about this project and am forcing myself to post my intention so I don't chicken out. I even made my own little button up there. Isn't it cute?


  1. I love that you are doing this! I am at a similar stage currently, but has mostly to do with that dadgum extra room that we love to shove everytihng into and call our "office". There's some pretty important things in that room, mixed up with trash, chinchillas, magazines, and overall, not as important things. So I'm taking baby steps and will be organizing and restoring order to that room... that will eventually become a nursery! Maybe your blog can inspire me along the way haha!
    Also, you're button is super cute. :)

    1. In this house we don't have a schoolroom which was the place I could stash junk - ahem - treasures for later use. I have stuff in the shed loft, the cellar, and simply everywhere! Ack!

  2. Oh I want to do it as well! Hope I can make a button- I have a picture but do not know how to do it!

    1. Hi again! To make my button I resized a picture in the shape of a square, then added text online at PicMonkey - After editing you can save a copy of the new button to your computer. Have fun! Thanks for visiting. Are you doing 31 Days, too?

  3. I love that you didn't say organized or any other word. "Order" just speaks deep to me - not just of orderly surroundings, but the internal order that accompanies it. I'll definitely add you to my follow along list of 31 Dayers! Looking forward to it!

    1. Thank you. You saw my heart for this 31 days.

  4. that sounds exciting! You can do it ! I promise i will not nag you in any way, i will help any way i am able. I love you and this makes me excited. Your hubby.

    1. Stop the train, Friends! My love commented for the first time on my almost-one-year-old blog last night! (He wanted to comment and I had to show him how to do it, but I don't care!) Thanks, Honey! I'm going to hold you to that part about not nagging. ;-)


Thanks for taking time to read and join the conversation. I love hearing from you!