Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Flower Beds Galore!

Well, our hot Kansas summer is in full swing and I am allergic to sweating while working in the yard. As a result, my project list has moved back inside.

However, I realized I hadn't updated on the yard projects I started in the spring. So, here you go....

Along the front fence line, where I had planted my grandma's peonies...

 ...I put these flower beds down to protect them from the lawn mower.
My plan is to add perennials in the fall - daisies, coneflower, stuff like that.

In May, there was a lone peony from my transplants.

I brought some iris bulbs home from my mom's house and planted them along the fence, 
as well as some bulbs I dug up from another area of my yard. I have no idea what they are, 
so next Spring I hope to have a pretty surprise in this corner of the flowerbed.

The front of the house before flowerbeds....

...and after flowerbeds.

So neat and tidy.

Along the side of the sunroom, I wanted a walkway leading to the cellar.

And here it is.

I have big plans for the area around this tree.

See all those rocks? They were buried in a ring around the tree and I dug every one of them out!
Yes, I actually broke a sweat while working in the yard that day.

I stared at the pile of rocks for a couple weeks, waiting for inspiration,
before finally arranging them around the tree.

It's not real pretty to look at yet.

But, I have a vision.

 The process is rarely pretty, is it? Kind of like life.

Here is the vision....
...and here is the future home of my own rock garden.

Thanks for stopping by today at A House and Yard!


  1. It will be beautiful and your yard is coming along! Great job!

    1. Thank you, Debbie! I was wondering how your yard was coming along. Did you keep up with the DIY lawn care you wrote about earlier this year?

  2. I'm amazed at how much nicer and put together your yard looks with the stonework. You've obviously been very busy. I sure hope some of your children were home to help. ~smile~

    Your yard will look beautiful when the flowers bloom.

    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,


    1. Thank you, Laura. I appreciate you stopping by.

  3. Oh wow, your flower beds are looking fabulous. I like the brick trim and the rocks around the tree are wonderful. Your vision is stunning, I am sure it will be beautiful. Thanks so much for the visit and your gracious comments on my wall patch project. Hugs, Marty

    1. Hi Marty - so nice to have you visit my blog! Thanks for the encouragement about my flower beds. They are definitely still in process, but it makes such a difference to have the space ready when it's time to plant again.

  4. what sweet kitties, and what a great vision for your yard. I love the view you have!

    1. Thanks! One of the most relaxing places is on my front porch looking out over the yard. Wherever the kitties are hiding, they come running to join me. I appreciate you stopping by.

  5. What a beautiful project! I love the pretty pink Peony and the rocks around your tree :)

    1. Hi, Allison! So sweet of you to visit and follow my blog!


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