Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Kitchen Update: Custom Pantry

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! Today I've been cooking and getting ready for tomorrow's Thanksgiving family get-together. Weather forecast is fabulous, so the day will certainly include a fair amount of football throwing and basketball shooting. Personally, I like to go for the mid-afternoon walk so I can have another slice of pie.

The big news, though? There is a beautiful piece of cabinetry in my kitchen and I have another project to share with you. My son-in-law, Adam, built a pantry for us and installed it a couple nights ago. 

Here is where it belongs and what it looked like before installation.

 At dusk, the guys carefully lifted it and....

carried it on inside.

They stood it up and maneuvered it into place.

And here it stands!

There are pull out shelves on the side,.... well as loads of storage space on top.

Wasn't it a great idea for my daughter to marry a talented cabinet builder? 

I will finish it using the same product I used on the existing cabinets. In case you missed that saga, read about it here. I anticipate having a much smoother time with this project and have already tested the finish on a couple squares of scrap lumber from the pantry project. 

While so many of you are out and about shopping this weekend - or napping to recover from your shopping - I will be finishing the pantry. Watch for the update next week!

Praise the LORD! 
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! 
His faithful love endures forever.
Psalm 106:1 NLT

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