Thursday, October 11, 2012

In Order - One Right After Another

31 Days of Order - Day 11

And some days are like today. Not a bad day. Just a lot of things. In order. One right after another. School. Chores. Errands. Drum Lesson (Silas - not me), More errands. Electronic gadget maintenance (rrrrrrr). Dinner. An evening at the theatre (lovely). Bowl of cereal. Blog.

Tomorrow will to be like today, too. But for a very good reason. There is "getting ready" to do tomorrow.

I am going away for alittle over 24 hours with some women from my church. We will be at a nearby camp for some Bible study, games, s'mores, and soaking up the beauty of God's creation and His glory. I need this.

An important part of order in our lives is knowing when to pull away and take some time out. Or put ourselves in timeout.

There is nothing to compare with time spent with my Heavenly Father and to share it with a bunch of girlfriends.

I expect to hear from Him and to be refreshed in my spirit. I look forward to getting to know these women better. There will be laughter and most likely a few tears shed. As we gather around God's Word we will gain understanding. As we gather around the meal table we will gain friendships. As we work together in the team-building activities we will gain camaraderie. And we will laugh some more.

I treasure my time with God. I treasure my time with the women of God. Thank you, Lord, in advance for this time away.

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This post is part of my 31 Days of Order series. See the rest of the posts here
To find other bloggers also writing for 31 Days this month on a variety of topics, click here.


  1. Have fun on your retreat. Sounds like you deserve some fun time away. Enjoy!


  2. Need to hear how the retreat went!!


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