Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Just Say "No!"

31 Days of Order - Day 23

And some days the best way to maintain order in your life is to simply say, "No!" (Sometimes I like to start my posts like we are in the middle of a conversation. It makes me feel like we're friends.)

You don't have to be mean about it, or snarky. In fact, it helps to accompany your refusal with a smile. Oh, and it might be good to add a "thank you." Usually no explanation is necessary - just, "No, but thank you."

This useful phrase has kept me from a number of committees, events, projects, and other requests for my time. It can be a life-saver, people! Don't be afraid to use it if you need it. And don't talk to me about feeling guilty, either. When we are talking about the well-being of our family- and home-life, there are times when no is the very best response. 

I said all this to say that I am not going to write a post tonight, but look - it turned into a post. :-) Four whole paragraphs worth.

Enjoy your evening, Friends. I am going to enjoy mine. See you Wednesday.

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This post is part of my 31 Days of Order series. See the rest of the posts here
To find other bloggers also writing for 31 Days this month on a variety of topics, click here.


  1. hello dear this is your husband,i want you to know i am REALLY impressed by your adventure.You are a gifted writer.This blog is very cool. Thanks for being the worlds best wife,mom ,grandma etc .I am a blessed man to be able to call you mine! Love you and keep on writing! Brian

  2. Amen Sista! Sometimes the best word to say is NO!

    1. I know you can relate! You've got at least couple things going on all the time, don't you?

  3. This is something I really need to learn. I have 4 kids and have a Mom-in-Law who asks me to driving them to random events and things all of the time. I really need to learn to say no, for my sanity. Thanks for making it be all right to say no. I forget sometimes. Stopping by to say HI and to be your latest follower. Thanks for commenting my blog today!

    1. Nice to meet you, Danylle! It's real tricky when it comes to family, isn't it? In those cases I find I can say no, then offer an alternative that works better for me, yet still helps out. Thanks for following! :-)

  4. I agree with you. Sometimes it's a hard thing to learn, but essential all the same.

    I do, however, hope you won't say no to checking out a little something I have for you and participating if you'd like:
    But if not, I understand. :)


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