Saturday, October 13, 2012

Just for the Fun of It

31 Days of Order - Day 13

I'm in the mood for a few laughs tonight. A quick search confirmed what I hoped would be true - that Anita Renfroe had something to say about order or organizing or priorities. I was right. Enjoy these little clips!

What about you? Do you keep all your kids' creations or do you toss them?
If you keep them, where are they and how do you organize them?

I have kept some of my favorites in a box that resides in my closet so I can add to it easily.
Also, I kept each of their "coming home from the hospital" outfits. When the two oldest kids each had their first baby, I returned the little outfit to them. It was so touching. :-)

I am a list-maker. I just don't always do what my list tells me to do. heeheehee.
Are you a list-maker? Do you have a "To Don't List?" 
So.....what's on it?

Sleep sweet....

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This post is part of my 31 Days of Order series. See the rest of the posts here
To find other bloggers also writing for 31 Days this month on a variety of topics, click here.

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